Monday, 25 May 2015

The solution to clean your home safer

Let's create a chemical-free home

Most of the cleaning products are contain chemical residues that may harm human health, especially children. Don't make your home become dangerous chemical laboratory, replace them with chemical-free household cleaning products NOW! 

This multi-purpose cleaner will meet your day-to-day cleaning needs

EnviroHome Multi-Purpose Cleaner using 100% natural ingredients that have been proven gentle, mild yet effective, keeping your home safe for kids. This ready-to-use multi-purpose cleaner not only cleans dirt and oily surfaces, it contain lemon, coconut oil and cedar oil extract which have powerful antibacterial properties that can effective in killing bacteria and viruses, to ensure you and your family stay germ free

You may have different types of cleaning products for different purposes, however with EnviroHome Multi-Purpose Cleaner, you can meet all of your cleaning needs. 

From sofa, floor to the kitchen units; from toilet bowls, basins to bathtub; from cupboards to jewelry and even interior of cars, EnviroHome Multi-Purpose Cleaner can effectively clean, disinfect, remove stains, control mold and mildew, and deodorize.  No-rinse needed.

In order to protect dry and sensitive hands, EnviroHome Multi-Purpose Cleaner has added aloe vera extract to moisturize your hands. 

Just spray and wipe, no rinse needed, and it's sparkling clean.
How To Use:
·        Floor cleaning: 
Pour 50g Multi-purpose cleaner to 20 liters of water, stir well and mop, no rinse needed.

·        Environment Cleaning: 

Option 1: Spray EnviroHome Multi-Purpose Cleaner directly onto object’s surface, wipe up with a clean towel, no rinse needed.

Option 2:  Spray EnviroHome Multi-Purpose Cleaner on clean towel, wipe and you're done! 

·        Jewelry:

Pour a small amount of Multi-purpose Cleaner into 30ml water, soak gold jewelry, waterproof watches in it for about 2 minutes, then stir slightly, and they will become shiny and bright.

Natural VS Chemical:

EnviroHome Multi-Purpose Cleaner
Chemical Multi-Purpose Cleaner
Its chemical-free, bubble-free, fragrance-free and colorant-free product. Using only marine extract and botanical extract.
It contain petrochemical synthetic materials, such as surfactant, formaldehyde, alkyl, toluene, alcohols, ether EDTA, chemical fragrances, colorants, antiseptic, stabilizers and etc
Using 99.9% biodegradable method, together with dry-cleaning effect and anti-bacterial inhibition effects. Does not harm furniture, maintain usability and durability.
Toxic surfactants cannot remove the dirt, grease and germs. It may harm the furniture and jewelry, and supports the growth of bacteria.
It can dry clean sofa and carpet without produce an unpleasant smell, prevent mold growth.
Chemical residue may support the growth of bacteria and mold on carpet and sofa while smell musty.
It can clean the water in the vase and keep your flower last longer
Toxic residue on flower may cause the plant withered away before flower time. 
Safe to use, non-toxic, no residue, children and pets can play safely on the floor.
Those chemical substances remain on the skin that cannot be dissolved, permeate into the blood stream and cause skin diseases.

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Friday, 15 May 2015

Say No To Pesticides

Wash before you eat to avoid eating pesticides residue

Most of the fresh produces that we bought from market contain high amount of pesticides which may affect health and environment. It is always advisable to wash before eat/cook to ensure that they are clean. However,  do you really know they are clean and safe to eat?

There are water-soluble and oil-soluble pesticides attached to vegetable and fruits' surface. With clean water, we can only remove water soluble pesticides, oil-soluble pesticides will still remain on the surface of fresh produces, there are not safe to eat!! Why not gives EnviroHome Food Wash a chance to help you remove all the pesticides. 

Water can pass through broccoli only when the wax has been removed

The chemical FREE, bubble FREE, fragrance FREE, color Free EnviroHome Food Wash contain only 100% natural ingredients to "green clean" your fresh produces.

With deep sea extract, mineral salt, coconut oils and coconut shell, EnviroHome Food Wash helps to remove wax, pesticides, bacteria, wax, insecticides and preservatives from vegetables and fruits, keep the produces fresh and extending shelf life of fresh produces.

Wash vegetables and fruits is a must to remove pesticides, insecticides & wax 

Get Rid Of Fishy Smell

This Malaysia No.1 Food Wash not only for vegetables and fruits, it's 99.9% biodegradable formula, marine extract and coconut oil help to break down and kill the bacteria attached to seafood, poultry and raw meat surface, eliminate fish smell and preserve the freshness.

Wash seafood with EnviroHome Food to kill bacteria attached to seafood surface 

Natural VS Chemical:

EnviroHome Food Wash

Chemical Vegetable Cleaner

Its chemical-free, bubble-free, fragrance-free and colorant-free product. Using only marine extract and botanical extract to remove pesticides, was, insecticides, bacteria, preservatives and etc.  

It contain petrochemical synthetic materials, such as surfactant, formaldehyde, alkyl, toluene, alcohols, ether EDTA, chemical fragrances, colorants, antiseptic, stabilizers and etc.

99.9% biodegradable helps to break down pesticides, preservatives and other chemicals on vegetables, fruits, and grains.

It cannot thoroughly wash away pesticides, preservatives and insecticides, and need more and more water to wash away the chemical residue.

Keep fruits, vegetables fresh and green, extends the cold storage time.

Fresh fruits and vegetables will lost annually due to spoilage after wash.

Remove dead cells and bacteria attached on raw meat and seafood, and eliminate the smell of fish.

Chemical residue supports the growth of bacteria and produce dirty foam when cooking meat.

Safe to use and don’t have to worries about chemical residue on washed fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood 

Those chemical residues remain on the produce that cannot be dissolved and cause diseases.

Soaking period must less than 5 minutes to prevent nutrients loss


To clean vegetables and fruits: Squeeze 1-2 pumps of EnviroHome Food Wash into 1 litre of clean water and mix thoroughly. Soak the vegetables and fruits into the solution for 2-3 minutes (maximum 5 minutes to prevent nutrients loss from soaking). Rub gently with fingers if needed and rinse with running water.

To clean seafood and raw meats: Squeeze 1-2 pumps of EnviroHome Food Wash into 1 litre of clean water and mix thoroughly. Place seafood or raw meat into the solution and gently rub to clean. 

* It's normal for used water to appear dirty and smell fishy. Drain dirty water and repeat rinsing with running water.

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The Do's & Don't's Of Washing Your Hair

A minor error can easily damaged your hair

People think that hair wash is a simple task but it actually the key to healthy and smooth hair. A minor error can easily damaged the roots, let's look at the Do’s and Don’t's for hair wash.

Wet hair thoroughly 

Don't: Pour Shampoo Directly On Scalp

Do not pour your shampoo and conditioner directly onto your hair, it will easily clog pores too. Wet your hair thoroughly before washing and use the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair texture.  

While washing, don't pile your hair on top and scrub it, it will only create knots. You are advised to focus the shampoo on the roots to cleanse and the conditioner on the shaft and ends to help maintain moisture and give that shiny look. 

Do: Pour the shampoo onto your palm, rub your hands together and then gently rub your palms over your hair. Rinse until the water runs clear to prevent dull hair cause by insufficient rinsing of shampoo.

Scalp massage can be done effectively with your fingertips

Don't: Wash Hair With Finger Nails

Most people tend to use their finger nails when shampooing hair, but they do not know that the way they "massage" is actually scratching their scalp

Regarding to "Medical New Today", 90 minutes of continuous scratching by fingernails can remove all the cuticle scale. This loss leaves the hair shaft weakened and permanently damaged, making it easily susceptible to breakage and hair loos. 

Do:  Handle your hair gently and massage your scalp with fingertips. 

Hot and cold water for washing your hair?

Don't: Use Wrong Temperature

Hot water seems to be a double-edged sword. It open up the pores to increase our hair to absorb nutrition from hair care products, but instead, hot water strip the hair of natural oils, moisture escapes the hair shaft and results in frizz. 

Rinse your hair with hot water too often can leave the hair overly porous, causing it to be dry and brittle or even worse, dandruff as  

Do:  Finish with a cool rinse helps to close cuticles and sealing the shingle-like outer layer.

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Thursday, 14 May 2015

UV Radiation Continue To Damage Skin Indoor

UV radiation can lead to premature skin  

As everyone think that lounging in an air-conditioned office is more comfortable than outdoor activities but actually it is risking our muscles to be weak. Once its not protected, many types of skin problems will come rolling in. Even if you are lazy to not try caring for your skin, just by understanding the three risk and you will be good to go.

Protect your eyes from computers and digital devices

1. Computer Radiation

Prolonged exposure to a computer screen can cause your eye muscle to be tight, in fact, the radiation can also affect the circulation of the eye causes tiredness, sore of eye socket and dark circles. We advice you to place a plant on your desk and look away from your screen every 30 minutes to rest your eyes.

Other than that, the brighter the screen, the stronger the radiation is and the larger the damage to the skin. Though dark screen can also cause tiredness. So we advice you to use the correct level of brightness and always make sure you are not to close to the screen.

Tips: After using the computer, quickly wash you face to clear all the radiation absorbance. If can, the best way is to use a cleanser and apply moisturizer afterwards.

Air conditioning can dry out your skin

2. Air-Conditioned room

Due to long term of lounging in an air-conditioned room, the skin will become dry and if you are emotionally stress, the moisture of your skin will become lesser and lesser. 

Tips : We advice to drink more pure water regularly to keep the moisture in your skin. Do not wait until you feel thirsty.

Glass window blocked UVB rays but allow UVA rays to pass through

3. Ultraviolet

The most important, even staying in indoors, we still cant hide away from the UV. Even offices light, projector screen or computer screen will also produce UV, that is why applying sunblock is a must for every women. 

Glass window filtered out UVB rays only, but UVA rays will still get through. If your desk is near the window, you must be more caution for your skin to prevent wrinkles and black spots.

Tips: You should wear sunscreen daily, no matter rain or shine.

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Post-Party Skin Rescue

After a month of partying, lack of sleep plus uncountable alcohol double the signs of ageing skin, makes you look tired and much older. 

But don't despair, treat and nourish your skin ASAP to get back the glowing health.

Remove the makeup no matter how tired you are

1. Take It All Off

Regarding an article published in Daily Mail UK, writer Anna Pursglove's skin had aged by a decade after she refrained from removing her makeup for a month-long experiment.

Our skin repair itself at night, sleep with makeup not allow skin to breathe, increase the exposure to free radicals and prevents the renewal process, and therefore faster the skin aging, skin tone uneven,  dryness, redness, acne and even deepening of wrinkles. No matter how late it is or how tired you are, take your makeup off!

Tips: Keep makeup remover wipes at your bedside just in case you're really tired, you can surely swipe and sleep.

Boost your skin radiance 

2.       Boost Your Skin

According to our body clock, skin cell regeneration almost double at night, peaking between 23:00 to 2:00. If you're miss out the period, you will look tired and exhausted in the next morning. Lack of sleep result in poor water balance, worsen existing skin conditions and accelerates the aging process, leading to puffy eyes, under-eye circles, dryness and more visible wrinkles.

Tips: Pamper your skin with a mask, and adding an intensive serum to help intensify your skin care routine

Monitor your alcohol and salty food intake to avoid puffy eyes

3.       Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes

Too much sodium and alcohol harm the skin through dehydration, this conditions can cause the swelling around the eye to be more prominent. Hence, you should reduce the amount of salt that you eat and monitor your alcohol intake to reduce water retention in the body

Tips: Drinking more water goes a long way toward to solve the problem. You can get rid of the current puffy eyes by placed cold metal spoon on your eyes for a few minutes. 

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Hair Care Mistakes You Need To Stop Making

Be alert, stop repeat the same mistakes
Even the same hair washing routine, some people can be able to have silky smooth hair, but some people will have severe problems. Is it because of trusting a lie told by hairdresser or it is laziness? Here are some tips to help you with your hair care mistakes.

Wash your hair once very day is a must

Myth 1Daily Shampooing Damage Hair
FactGreasy scalp is due to over production of sebum, so the most common oily scalp care advice would be to shampoo less often. However, Malaysia's humid weather leads to an increase in oil production from sebaceous glands, thus, washing hair once everyday is a must for all Malaysian. 

To prevent over-cleansing problem, you should have deep cleansing shampoos which are all about cleaning to alternate with your regular shampoo, and don't forget to condition your hair with conditioner every day

Faoming agent from shampoo may damage your hair 

Myth 2The More Foam A Shampoo Produce, The Cleaner Your Hair Getting
FactAs the dirt from our hair will follow the bubbles to be rinse away, therefore most people mistaken the theory of the more foam a shampoo produce, the cleaner the hair getting. 

As a matter of fact,  about 90% of shampoos contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) which is a faoming agent that can penetrates the skin and remains detectable in the body for up to 5 days after use. This toxic chemical have strong potential to be an irritant to your skin, hair and eyes.

Sleep with wet hair not a good deal 

Myth 3Sleep On Wet Hair
FactSome people said brow dry your hair may cause dryness of scalp and split ends, however wet hair is extra susceptible to damage and breakage. When you sleep with your hair wet the cuticle is not quite sealed and with all the friction from moving around at night, it can cause frizz. It can also allow your hair to stick with dusts making clog of the scalp and increase the growth of bacteria. 

Do not twist your hair, as this can easily damage it
TipAfter shower, gently blot and squeeze your hair dry with towel. Always use a heat protector or leave-in conditioner before brow dry your hair.

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