The ugly truth behind cosmetic |
We all want to be young and beautiful (and women especially), hence, we apply everything on face to "maximizing" the benefits of the products. However, do you read the label before buy or use the products?
Using paraben-free product |
What are Parabens?
As it is cheap at price, natural and no peculiar
smell and most of all, non-poisonous, paraben is widely used as preservative plus it
also stop fungus, bacteria and other microbes from growing in your favourite creams. That is why it is not only used
in preserving beauty range products but also medicine and artificial foods.
Paraben can cause skin irritation, dry skin and sensitizing the skin |
The Dangerous Preservative
Parabens are used to preserve products and greatly extend their shelf life. A research shows that may cause influence estrogen levels, accumulate in tissues, and increase UVB-mediated DNA damage. Long term using may actually be harmful to our health.
with atopic dermatitis must be careful with high concentration parabens because
it will cause induced dermatitis or maybe contact urticaria.
People with atopic dermatitis have to avoid using parabens |
Despite of this, paraben that is stored in a concentration in-between 0.1% and 0.3%
will decrease the percentage of catching sensitivity to the skin but doesn’t
mean that it is 100% effective.
Scrub parabens until its clean |
Cleanse Properly
A source stated that a doctor found parabens in a woman’s
breast slice. We advice everyone that even if you are using soap for showering,
scrub it until its clean!
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