Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Know your enemy - Parabens

The ugly truth behind cosmetic

We all want to be young and beautiful (and women especially), hence, we apply everything on face to "maximizing" the benefits of the products. However, do you read the label before buy or use the products?

Using paraben-free product

What are Parabens?

As it is cheap at price, natural and no peculiar smell and most of all, non-poisonous, paraben is widely used as preservative plus it also stop fungus, bacteria and other microbes from growing in your favourite creams. That is why it is not only used in preserving beauty range products but also medicine and artificial foods.

Paraben can cause skin irritation, dry skin and sensitizing the skin

The Dangerous Preservative

Parabens are used to preserve products and greatly extend their shelf life. A research shows that may cause influence estrogen levels, accumulate in tissues, and increase UVB-mediated DNA damage. Long term using may actually be harmful to our health.

Patients with atopic dermatitis must be careful with high concentration parabens because it will cause induced dermatitis or maybe contact urticaria.

People with atopic dermatitis have to avoid using parabens

Despite of this, paraben that is stored in a concentration in-between 0.1% and 0.3% will decrease the percentage of catching sensitivity to the skin but doesnt mean that it is 100% effective. 

Scrub parabens until its clean

Cleanse Properly

A source stated that a doctor found parabens in a womans breast slice. We advice everyone that even if you are using soap for showering, scrub it until its clean!

EnviroHome Cares For Your Life

Know your Enemy- SLS、SLES

Do you know what's in your beauty products?

To have a plus on beauty and youth, we apply lots of beauty products but not understanding the ingredients behind the products until our body reacts to certain sickness making us regret much. Letting it for you to ferret out the culprit, and stay away from it as soon as possible.

Surfactant: SLS, SLES (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Sodium Laurylsulphate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) 

Surfactant are everywhere!

Through  the surfactant, the 2 components such as oil and water form an emulsion. That's why they can be found in almost every consumer products, from laundry detergent, household cleaner to personal cleansing. Nowaday, surfactant are omnipresent.

In terms of beauty products, surfactant is the unsung hero of it all, but for category of cleaning products, the powerful cleansing action of surfactant makes it the main protagonist.

Harsh surfactant in shampoo also contribute to hair loss

Powerful Cleansing Action

Despite of cleaning your face and your entire body, there will still be left some of the surfactant on your skin, it sticks tightly on our skin making it hard to remove, strip-away fatty acids, moisture and amino acids from your hair and skin.

The powerful cleaning of surfactant may destroy skin's natural barrier, letting dangerous chemical penetrate into our skin. 

Surfactant stay on skin long after you think you've rinse them off

Weak Skin Barrier
The Journal of the American College of Toxicology saids that it has "a degenerative effect in the cell membranes because of its protein denaturing properties." The Journal adds that high level of skin penetration may occur at even low use concentration. 

Having a thin, weak and damaged skin barrier, you're more prone to redness, rashes, roughness, dryness and irritation.  

Surfactants are the major component in cleaning products
Household Cleaner
Do not attempt to think that avoid using beauty products which include surfactant can escape from certain problems. You must know that...

1. Once we used dish cleaner with surfactant, all of the dishes and eatery will also leave the same chemical substance and the chemical substance will be consumed by us because of using the dishes.

2. Even the surfactant from laundry detergent will also stain our clothes, and because of friction and sweat, the substance will dissolve into our skin. 

EnviroHome Cares For Your Life

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

To Shampoo Or Not To Shampoo?

There are harmful chemicals in our hair care range

Even if its just wash your hair, theres more than enough of chemicals being absorb into your body. 

To shampoo or not to shampoo? 

Scalp Problem 

When theres enough time, you will get up early to have your hair wash but this only give bigger chance for poison absorption. Sometimes, you think the scalp problem is related with physical or emotional stress, however scalp problem can be cause by precutaneous toxicity.

Pore-clogging ingredients can be found in hair care products

Itchy scalp 

Shampoos and conditioners may clog the pores and follicles of scalp, block the scalp to breath naturally. This can lead to irritation and inflammation which eventually lead to itching. 

Rinse hair thoroughly after conditioner

Hair Damage

If shampoo impurities damage level is the same as as a bomb, than a conditioner is an atomic bomb! This is because antiseptic, antistatic agents and softener inside a conditioner is so much more than shampoo. That's why we have a smooth and delicate hair after apply conditioner, however, they will seriously damage your hair.

Conditioner contain more toxic chemicals than shampoo

Hair Loss

Besides, colorant and synthetic perfumes from shampoos and conditioners provide comfortable sensations letting you forget that you are just having a shower. If you keep using these comedogenic products, your hair will become lesser and lesser.

Tips: Dont use shampoo for 2 times in a day and skip a daily conditioner.

EnviroHome Cares For Your Life

Are Your Skin Care Products Making You Sick?

Most cosmetics and skin care products have tons of toxic chemical

A research from Britain states that European women absorb up to 2.3kg of chemical through their daily beauty routine by using cosmetics and skin care products. These chemicals are being absorb by skin causing damages thats why its called percutaneous toxicity.

Are you really free from chemicals?

Toxic chemicals are everywhere as they come from the household products and cosmetics products which we used daily. If you still dare to say it doesnt happen to you, let me tell you the truth.

Accusation 1: Brush Teeth

Brush your teeth upon wake up 

Mothers always say brush your teeth in the morning, initiative face washing and teeth brushing make a good kid therefore you have a good hygienic habit. And because of the influence of television you will squeeze more than enough of toothpaste to brush your teeth to have more bubbles and a refreshing sensation.

A pea-sized amount of tooth paste is sufficient for adult 

In reality, it is treated as sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) blowing agents as its a synthetic surfactant, it will enter the body through the oral mucosa. Accumulating this kind of poisonous substance can cause hair growth problem, eye sight weakening and cataract. 

Besides, toothpaste abrasion can damage the gums causing hypersensitive. Right amount of fluoride shell toothpaste will strengthen the resistance of acid, preventing caries, but too much of fluoride will cause dental fluorosis or chronic fluorosis.

Tips: Squeeze a small amount like pea-sized of tooth paste to brush your teeth, remember to rinse through to decrease the amount of percutaneous toxicity.


Accusation 2: Shower

People absorb 100 times more chlorine in a 10-minutes shower

After brushing, you may have a shower to kick start a brand new day. However, most of your shampoos and soaps contain a lot of the toxic chemicals such as surfactant, humectant, colorant and preservatives which will be absorbed into the skin and slowly damaging the immune system and cause sicknesses. 

At the same time, the toxic chemicals from shampoos may react with the chlorine in your tap water to create more chemical chaos. Therefore, you will absorb 100 times more chlorine in a 10-minutes shower.  

Parabens have been found in breast tissue and breast cancer tumors

Paraben in a womans breast cancer tumors, but this doesn't mean much. Paraben have been found in many other tissues because of their wide use.

Until now,  lack of long term use of paraben products will be issued on the current clinical breast cancer as evidence but paraben in breast cancer cell is proved to be helping the cells of growth.

Tips: Breast cancer patients and children under 3 years of age should avoid using paraben products.

EnviroHome Cares For Your Life

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The Invisible Killer

You can absorb up to 2kg of chemical through your skin each year

The worlds most remote distance isnt life to death but percutaneous toxicity by your side that you had no idea it is harmful!

What is percutaneous toxicity?

Only 10% chemicals will excrete from body, 90% of them still with you

We care about foods and personal hygiene but leave out caring about whether the products we use on our body are safe. 

According to surveys, theres 515 type of chemical substances going in and out of the human body every day, 10% of the poison will only excrete from urine, sweat, hair and nails after 10 days. Dont forget that theres still 90% of the poison is still in our body, they are percutaneous toxicity.


Percutaneous Toxicity Is Everywhere

Your laundry detergent may be harzadous to your health 

Percutaneous toxicity is always by our side from day until night, they are like ghost waiting for the right moment to attack. Maybe you are just too naive to think that doing cleaning the right way can prevent percutaneous toxicity.

Chemical can be absorb through skin and into the blood stream causing toxic effects

In reality, It doesnt matter how many times you brush your teeth, wash your face or even hair washing to the extreme stage. Washed, wore, used, sprayed, mopped, all these are being used by poison chemicals and will be absorb through our skin and into then blood stream, finally spread to whole body.


Chemical may cause reaction on the skin surface

Percutaneous toxicity may cause skin irritation and allergies reactions but most of the time its not that obvious, plus it can add up to more than a year. Once you had realise its existence its probably too late. 

It not only damage the immune system but also messes up hormones causing unable to become pregnant, metal malformation, nervous damage and so much more. This is also why many people care so much about eating healthy to prevent any sickness.

EnviroHome Cares For Your Life


Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Raw Vegetables VS Cooked Vegetables

Westerns love eating vegetables raw, Asians like it cooked, but which way is the most logic way of eating?

Cooked or raw? Which one healthier?

Medical research has proven that vegetables have an immune substance called interferon inducer which has the ability to control cancer cells and antibacterial in a human body becoming a shield for the cells in a human body. However this type of immune substance arent suitable for high temperature, it can only be effective by eating them raw.

Wash your produce before eat it

You must be alert that vegetables have to be bought from a clean store and the colour should be vibrant not dull as well as the smell should be normal. Wash the vegetables using cleaning agent before eating them, then rinse them with water to remove to pesticides.

People with weak digestion are advice to blanch the vegetables

Stimulating organs

For people with weak digestion, eating raw vegetables can damage your organs, sometimes causing vomit, diarrhea and bloating. We advice to blanch the vegetables for a minute to remove the pesticides and at the same time remain the vitamins and minerals.

Although cooking, steaming can cause some parts of the nutrient to be loss but raw eating cant be considered the only consideration. Raw eating can give us vitamin C and other nutrients but the carotene, vitamin K, potassium, magnesium and fibber are nutrients that are suitable for heating.

 Do not leave the carrot juice open in the fridge for longer than a day 

Dont waste nutrition

Eat more cooked vegetables can give us enough vitamin K we need, tomatoes have lycopene, carrots have carotene B all because of oil soluble nutrient, thats why nutritions are easier to absorb after cooking. 

Other than that, the oil soluble vitamin A in carrots can only be absorb into the human body while theres oil laden on the food. Dont want to waste nutrients, we advise to add some salad dressings while eating carrots.

Some produces need heat to bring out the best in them

Fried vegetables

Fried vegetables are easy to prepare. Research shows that using big fire to fried vegetables will loose 15% of vitamin C. If the vegetables are being stewed after frying, vitamin C will be lost up to 60%

When frying vegetables, use big open fire and quick frying to decrease to percentage lost of nutrients and add a little bit of vinegar to maintain the vitamins.

A bowl of vegetable soup helps you warm up your body

Vegetable soup

When cooking, 30%~70% of vitamin C and water soluble nutrients will dissolve into the soup. After frying cabbages, 70% of vitamin C will dissolve into the soup. 

Put some peas into the soup to boil for 3 minutes, half of the vitamin C will also dissolve into the soup. Use water to  check it once more, remove oxalic acid, nitrite and pesticides, adhere to use less oil and salt when cooking to make the soup even more healthy.

EnviroHome Cares For Your Life


How To Store Food Safely?

Working mothers and working lady always go to markets or grocery stores during weekend to buy fresh meats, then placing them in the fridge right away thinking that the frozen area in the fridge is cold enough, long term placing wouldnt be a problem. 

Make sure food has cooked down before put it in the fridge

Check Expiration Dates

In fact, frozen meats also have expiration dates and fresh meats, frozen meats and cooked meats all have its own particular expiration dates.

(0 or below)
Thawed in
Raw Meats (beef, pork, veal, lamb)

Ground Meats
1 year
2 days
Roasts, Steaks, & Chops
3-5 days
Poultry (turkey, chicken)

Whole bird, cuts or pieces
1 year
2 days
Ground poultry
3 months
Fried/Breaded Chicken (nuggets, patties, pieces)
Fish & Seafood

Raw Lean Fish (tilapia, cod, catfish, trout, etc...)
1 year
2 days
Fatty Fish (salmon, tuna, sea bass, etc…)
3-6 months
Cooked Fish
5-7 days
Processed Meats

Hot Dogs (unopened)
9 months
2 weeks
Lunch Meats
1-2 months
3-5 days
Ham (opened/unopened)
1-2 months/1 year
1 week/2 weeks
Bacon (opened/unopened)
2 months/6 months
Pepperoni, Salami
6 months
1 month
Sausage (raw/smoked)
6 months/9 months
2 days/1 week

Source: Meat Handling Document – Food Gatherers (02/03/14)

Once you missed the expiration date, the nutrients and freshness of the food will slowly fade its colour due to oxidation, even if it looks fresh on the outside, its rotten on the inside! For your family and your own health, you must know the correct ways to place meats.

Meat can be place into fresh meat and frozen meat

Storing Meat

Meats can be place into fresh meats and frozen meats in the supplied market. Fresh meats must be fresh and have elasticity, lean meat should be tender and bright red while fat meat should be white not yellowish or reddishFrozen meat should be hard as ice, fat white, if its already defrost and not solid, then its not suitable for long term placement in the fridge. 

Place frozen meats on a plate or container before thawing them in the refrigerator 

Freeze The Meat Immediately 

Once home, you should separate long term and short term placement for frozen foods, short term placement foods should be place in a lower temperature in the normal storage while long term placement should be place in the frozen storage.

For fresh meats, slice them in cubes and place them in containers for convenience and speed up the frozen time to maintain the quality of the meats.

Fish cannot be stored as long as other animals meat

Freezing Fish

Remember when temperature haven't hit -30c, fishes are easily dehydrate and change its state, therefore fishes arent suitable for long term placement.

Tips: Wash fishes using EnviroHome Food Wash before storage, wash the outer part to clean away dirt and kill bacteria, then remove the gills and intestines. After cleaning, dry the fish and put some salt on it then only store it.

EnviroHome Cares For Your Life