Monday, 24 August 2015







Try This扫地前先将影响打扫的小物和玩具先收到盒子里,再将垃圾丢进垃圾袋中,这才开始打扫。




Try This丝袜的静电效果可以让灰尘不乱飞,下次打扫不妨将不要的丝袜套在扫把上,再清扫天花板和橱柜的蜘蛛网和灰尘。



Try This高的地方如天花板和柜子上方要先清理,接着再往下擦拭电视柜、茶几、沙发,最后才是扫地、抹地或吸尘。

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Sunday, 23 August 2015






Try This将卫生纸铺在马桶内壁上,再喷洒EnviroHome Multi-Purpose Cleaner环保家园多用途清洁剂,静待1小时候后用水冲掉,再用刷子轻轻刷洗即可,严重的污渍可能需要浸泡过夜,才冲水才行。





Try This用刷子刷洗大面积的部分,再用牙刷清洗边缝部位,至于瓷砖上的肥皂污迹,可用热水先冲洗一下,待皂垢溶解后,再用刷子轻轻擦除。



Try This使用湿抹布清洁玻璃窗表面的污垢后,可别忘了用报纸由上往下擦拭,让玻璃窗明亮,且不会沾染毛屑。



Try This每周一次,将天然配方的EnviroHome Multi-Purpose Cleaner多用途清洁剂喷洒于柔软的抹布上,再轻轻擦拭水龙头。


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Friday, 21 August 2015




1.       杂物先移除:杂物不应放置在衣柜里,必须另寻适合的空间
2.       旧衣捐赠:将过时不穿的旧衣物拿去回收站
3.       分门别类:再将衣服分门别类整理摆放


Try This成套的衣物应挂一起,怕皱的衣服可卷起来收好,外套和夹克折叠起来占空间,直接把它们挂起来,将少穿的放置在左侧,常穿的挂在右侧


Try This吊挂的衣物如夹克、洋装、外套等依照长度的不同进行整理,并将装有小衣物的盒子置放下方,善用多出来的空间


Try This裤带、袜子、内搭裤、内衣裤等小衣物可以用面纸盒,或纸袋等分隔放置。如果衣柜的深度较深,还可区隔成前后两格,前侧收纳常穿的衣物,后侧收纳少穿的衣物



Try This折叠裤子时,裤头同一方向会很占空间,建议将裤头交叉放置,而放置在抽屉里的衣服,应用直立式折叠法来增加空间,并且可以看清楚收纳的衣物

1.       物品要有固定摆放得地方
2.       以方便取出物品为目的来整理
3.       使用后应物归原位

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Step 1打扫前,应将床上的所有东西挪开,让床铺透气。


Step 2床单、被罩、枕头套应勤于更换,容易寄生尘螨的枕头、棉被和床褥也要定期晾晒。更换床单、被单和枕头套时,不妨用吸尘机或微湿的抹布,将床垫上残留的皮屑、毛发等清理干净。

多用途EnviroHome Multi-purpose Cleaner可将床垫上的污渍清除干净

Step 3床褥上有血渍、尿渍或宝宝呕奶的污渍,可将多用途清洁剂喷洒于抹布上,轻轻擦拭尿渍处,接着用干布将湿处吸干,再用吹风机吹干,才不会发霉,产生异味。天气好的话,可以放到太阳下曝晒


Step 4床底容易藏污纳垢,建议使用扁头吸尘机清除床底下的灰尘,再将少用的物品整齐收藏于床底,节省室内空间,也可避免床底积累灰尘



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Thursday, 20 August 2015

How To Sleep Better

When it comes to sleep, it's not the quantity, but quality that matters

We spend 1/3 of our life, just sleeping! That is why sleeping is so important. When it comes to sleep, it's not the quantity, but quality that matters. Here are some easy way to get a better sleep, why not give it a try?

Make your bedroom a technology-FREE zone

1. Blue Light Affect Sleep  
Exposure to blue light emitted by screen on electronic devices at night will "trick" your brain into thinking that it is daytime, and keep you stay awake. 

Do it: Turn off all your electronic devices, make your bedroom a technology-free zone -keeping them out of the bedroom, especially out of the bed.

Photo credit by,uk

2. Blue Wall Gives The Best Sleep
According to The Dailymail, a new study shown that people who sleep in blue bedroom tend to get longer sleep -nearly eight hours a night. Yellow and green follow close behind. 

However, it's the best to avoid purple. Purple room was determined to be the least restful room color, where sleeper obtain on average 5 hours and 56 mins sleep per night.

Do it: Switch the wall color of bedroom to blue, make the room look more peaceful. Keep in mind, painting your wall blue won't be the only thing that help you sleep well at night, you may also consider sound, touch and smell when creating a sleep sanctuary.   

Slightly open the window during bedtime, so that we can sleep better in fresh air 

3. Sleep In Right Temperature  
If your bedroom is either too hot or too cold, you sleep might suffer. Study showed that the best temperature for sleep should be around 18-21 degrees Celsius. 

When you fall a sleep, your body temperature drops to it's lowest level, so keeping your bedroom cool may lead to better sleep. 

Do it:  Fresh air can have a cooling effect, which make you feel relax. Open the windows for 30 minutes before sleep to freshen the air and close them (or at least slightly open), so that you can breath fresh air at night. 

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Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Face Wash Is A Must

Face washing is the most necessary part of your skincare routine. It may seem simple, but if you do not clean your face properly, it could be more harm your face than helping it. When you over-washing, it will strip away your skin's natural oil and exacerbate skin dryness. 

As a general rule, you should wash your face twice a day. Why?

Don't forget to remove sunscreen especially those claim to be water resistant and sweat resistant 

It's important to hit your pillow with a make-free face. Thus, you should thoroughly clean your face, remove all the dirt, excess oil, sunscreen, makeup and environmental pollutants before you're going to bed. 

Even you're not wearing makeup, you have to use a makeup remover to remove waterproof sunscreen properly. 

I know you had clean your face at the night time, however, washing face in the morning can help wake your skin up while remove unwanted skin contactants such as dust, mold, debris, other environmental irritants, and eliminates skin-producing oils.

Sleeping in makeup on may harm your skin, so clean your face before bed 

As a busy working women, you need:
- Wash face and take "makeup off" at the same time
- Cleanse and hydrate all skin types
Non toxic, hypo-allergenic formula  
- Gentle yet effective facial cleanser

Introducing EnviroHome Facial Cleanser, which completely free from synthetic fragrance, mineral oils, parabens, bubbles and color, and made of natural ingredients to green your beauty routine. 

EnviroHome Facial Cleanser made with 100% natural ingredients that will cleanse your face naturally 

How can EnviroHome Facial Cleanser help you?

1.  Almond oil and Jasmine oil are excellent emollient (softening and              soothing to the skin) and help to nourish and revitalize the skin.

2.  Mineral salt, deep sea water extract and coconut oil cleanse and draw        out impurities from the deeper layers of the skin, absorb excess oil and      help hydrate the skin.

3. The powerful antibacterial properties of lemon extract, coconut oil and mineral salt help in cleaning clog pores while prevent acne and blackheads.

4. Geranium oil and rose oil help to maintain the skin's PH balance and improve skin elasticity. At the same times, this essential oils help to soften scars and wrinkles.

5. To use it long term, EnviroHome Facial Cleanser will improve your skin texture, making it look smoother and brighter.

Don't forget to wash your hand before washing face

Usage: Apply small amount of EnviroHome Facial Cleanser onto your palm and gently massage onto face using circular motion and rinse off with water. Use twice a day. 

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Bathroom Organization Tips

Dont make an excuse that the space in the bathroom is too small as you dont need to tidy. Try these smart storage tips to make the most of a tiny bathroom.  

How to organize your bathroom?

Try ThisBuild a shelf or drawers under the sink to store small essentials like makeup and toiletries and keep them in dry condition. Or, add a tension rod under the sink for cleaning supplies. 

Don't miss out under-the-sink storage space

Try ThisInstalled a hanging shower caddy or shower rod in shower wall for extra hanging space for bath ball, scrub gloves, scrub towels and toiletries.

Include a shower caddy to save space

Try This: Put a rack on top of the toilet bowl to store towels, tissues and laundry to add more space for the bathroom.

Use the space over the toilet bowl for storage

Try ThisMirror can make the space look large, but you're advised to install a cabinet mirror instead of a normal mirror to maximize your storage space.  

Mirror make a small room look larger

Try ThisBathroom ledge is a good storage space for those stuffs that you don't often use. Add a small plant or diffuser on the ledge helps to freshen up your bathroom.

Small plant is a great ideal to dress up your bathroom

Reminder: Store things according to color or material can make your bathroom look even tidy, it is the best to do it on shelves.

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